Monday 3 March 2008

Life as a Singleton

Do you know what a healthy and mature man looks and acts like?

Apprently my email knows I am single... I have recieved several emails now from whatever the hell that is supposed to insinuate!
Here are 3 signs of a healthy and mature man-
Sign #1: He Can Stay "Calm In The Storm"
Mature men aren't easily rattled to where they act out, become defensive or blame others.

Hint- men want nothing as much as to make the woman they're interested in or with feel happy

Sign #2: He Has Other Healthy Relationships
This is an obvious sign you might already know about.

Tip- one of the best things you can do inside your relationship with a man to keep him open isn't what most women do, which is to try and TALK to him more.

Sign #3: A Purpose That's Greater Than Himself
I'm about to share with you one of the very best ways to tell if a man has "done the work" for himself and might make a great boyfriend or husband.

What do you do when you feel disconnected fromlove and the man you're with?
Do you inspire and create more love and make iteasy for you both to connect?
Or do you get frustrated that things aren't going well and accidentally push him further away with your feelings?

I kid you not... this is actual sections of the email I recieved. Who knew that you were actually supposed to pay attention to the things people do? *SHOCK* So this is where I've been going wrong?
What horseshit this email is. Whaffling on about snagging that perfect 'healthy mature male' - perhaps I want an aimless, directionless, tattooed, artist slash model who does drug runs to pay for his hecs debt? Hey, did they think about that?
No apprently I want groundedness and while; Chemistry is great. But if you want a real lasting and loving relationship, picking a man you know has the necessary qualities and "skills" to have a great relationship with you is just as important.

I don't know what is worse, the fact that this filth has been jettisoned into cyberspace in order to fill some infuriating lecture hall and line this womans pockets or that even my email thinks I need help!

4 memos sent:

Dataceptionist said...

So what IS the Sign of Sign #3? I'm dying to know. *choke*

And, I could be wrong, but Sign #2 seems to advise doing exactly what men hate? "Talking" endlessly?

Hey I know a aimless, directionless, tattooed, artist slash model who does drug runs but he's doing it for the thrills, not a HECS debt, are you interested?

.:.:. Reanan .:.:. said...

LMAO I know!!
Step 1# Find man, anyone will do
Step 2# Become clingy annoying female
Step 3# Rely on him for everything and expect him to step up to the plate?

LOL HMMM no I'm definatly looking for something in the Hecs debt bearing character, it presupposes that even though he is aimless, directionless, tattooed drug runner he still went to uni and we can carry a convo?
Oh! Unless he's already paid off the debt??!

Dataceptionist said...

Ohh right right see where you're going there.

Anonymous said...

Pete Doherty is taken unfortunately. So I dunno what you'll do about your tattooed loser. Perhaps Amy Wino could get a sex change?

PS. HECS debt is totally the bomb dude! Mine is HUGE.
