She worked for Rolling Stone almost from its creation, photographing some of the biggest artists of our time, she took that photo of Yoko clinging to husband John Lennon the morning of his assassination. In the 80's she moved to Vanity Fair, took that photo of a VERY pregnant Demi Moore, Whoppi Goldberg in a milk bath, Posh and Becks in a semi pornographic shoot and oh the occasional British monarch.
Her beautiful portraiture has crafted many group shots but as I've noticed in some of the groups there is just no helping some people.
There's one in every group (well not every group) but 14years of group covers I scrolled through some of them and couldn't help notice... doesn't Renee Zellweger look like the Chinese swimmer who kicked up all that stink, whilst looking uncomfortable and out of place.
More woman of Hollywood, and why does Brittney Murphy look like she just scrawled up from a four day blinder... and Kirsten Dunst instead of looking aloof just looks a bit put out (because she's not the one wearing no shirt?)
Like I said some people just can't be helped. Lovely composition though I suppose.
This one kicked up some turbulence, I mean they are naked... oh get with it people, it's art!
Tom Ford appears to be chewing on Keira Knightly's ear? Ear fancying aside he looks ok right? KK looks a bit odd and hunched but Scarlett looks more comfortable, creamy and sort of starry-eyed.
I buy Vanity Fair VERY VERY occasionally, the bloody thing costs a fortune, but I bought and loved the series of covers she did for an article on the peril in Africa that was guest edited by notorious celebrities, George Clooney, Bono, Queen Rania, Madonna, Maya Angelou, Muhammad Ali, Barak Obama, Bill Gates, Desmond Tutu, Iman, Oprah .. OK you get the point.

This months cover features an article asking, 'Who says woman aren't funny?' and Annie photographs several female comedians taking the piss out of the culture rampant in young Hollywood, Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears, Linsday Lohan they whole nine yeads.
But I love the cover, they look dreamy and floaty and it seems that she's groping her or is that just me?
Anyway I love her. You go girl!
NB; Thanks to anon it is indeed Tom Ford.
4 memos sent:
that's not jeremy piven. it's tom ford.
Dude can you send me the links for those pics? None of them will get any larger and I want to see more detail!
Annie Leibovitz took the pics in a calendar I had one year. I've never really followed her work but she does take nice photo, you're right.
Great call on Kiki and Britts, how about (whats her name I can't think, played Kelly in Married with Children) she looks like she;s having an argument and has just said to the imaginary person behind her "no, I'm not looking IN PROTEST"!
Ick, have never liked the photo of the trio, KK looks sick, like the girl in the Italian Anorexia ad. SJ not attractive to me here.
Its from a cover feature on AL on the VF website, have a look throughout the slideshow... theres someone silly in each LOL
SJ/KK photo; http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/hollywood_covers_slideshow?slide=3#globalNav
Kiki/Brit photo; http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/hollywood_covers_slideshow?slide=7#globalNav
RZ photo;http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/hollywood_covers_slideshow?slide=12#globalNav
Hey that was great thanks!
Annoyingly you couldn't zoom on the images on the (slightly larger) original site images either, but I will live.
*Hey did you know if you use an image from a location URL if you click that image you'll go to its original site? Just checking, not sure if you're aware you don't have to save all your images to upload them. :)
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