Friday 28 March 2008

Life as a non-Drunkorexic

SO THIS IS MY PROBLEM? When I go drinking I eat sometimes before, during and after...
Ninemsn reports; watch the video here

A shocking new trend in young women's nutrition finds them combining a
desire to be thin with the growing problem of binge drinking.
While drunkorexia is not an official medical term, it is being used to define the
phenomenon of young women skipping meals to allow them to drink alcohol without
putting on weight.
Ms McMillan-Price explains that while replacing a meal with alcohol probably does keep the weight down, but it excludes important vitamins and nutrients needed in a healthy diet.
"Alcohol drains nutrients from your body. The more you drink the more you metabolise in a different way," she explains. "Eating on an empty stomach increases the rate you absorb alcohol and so you will get drunk faster and also lowers blood sugar levels (and willpower levels) so that you may find yourself intending not to eat and then heading for the pizza shop after a few too many and overeating all the wrong foods."

Oh I so get that, midnight cheeseburgers is what that translates to BUT I always try to feel less bad about it by thinking that I've been at the club for say several hours dancing, I feel that a cheeseburger of a measly 285 calories (which only takes 60 mins of walking at 3kph to work off *tongue in cheek*)

2 memos sent:

Dataceptionist said...

Hahahaha oh I wish I had drunkorexia!

While drunkorexia is not an official medical term oh really! You think?

.:.:. Reanan .:.:. said...

LOL yes, I was seriously concerned that maybe drunkorexia was being added to the medical dictionary - not. lol

MMM but seriously I find it hard to beat a cheese burger OR kabab when toasted.