Being the lucky duck I am, who has thoughtful relatives with fabulous taste, I recieved the Go Fug Yourself book for a birthday present.
(For all those who do not know about fug, I suggest you go immediatly to http://www.gofugyourself.com - the fashion blog of two hilarious bitches)
When I first heard they had a book out I thought, COOL! But who could be bothered ordering something from America *PFT*
Then I unwrapped it as a birthday present.
I sat all the way home on the train with my eyes greedily glued to the pages absorbing brand new material on the celebs we love to hate what they are wearing.
It was hard to turn the pages sometimes, wonder who they were going to issue the Sag Award to, awarded for most egregious misuse of the privilege of having breasts.
And not to leave out the boys, the prestegious award for Male in most imminent peril.
But the grand fugging of all fugs to have ever fugged the fugging earth , is reserved for the end for those who truely shame themselves almost everytime they exit the house.
Lets just say that a belted lime green pashmina was involved.
So thankyou my darling cousin!
Next book; Shapelle Corby - the somewhat controvesial autobiography in the did she or didn't she case.
2 memos sent:
Yay! No wuzza! You must point out keys fugs at Lunch.
ooh I'll be interested to know what you think of the Shapelle book, as I think she is guilty as. Is it yours or a loan?
You may borrow if you like?
I've always thought it never made sense to smuggle a measly drug like that in, I know that third world countries are never going to have a great judical system BUT I do think some things are fishy.
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