Wednesday 5 March 2008

Life as a Cosmetic Surgeon

Isn't it pretty? Don't you just love it?
No? Too pink & girly... Well hard fromage I am girly (sometimes) and as much as I loved Goldie and Perky (my two bloggy fishes) after 13 posts I had grown somewhat bored of them.

Have you even notice other people's grotty habits? (while of course remaining blithely unaware of your own, as it should be) Well I've seen some pearlers.
On the train this afternoon, I was sitting next to a woman filing her nails, which I must confess I have committed this cardinal sin but only to combat a hangnail.
I watched as she picked the muck from under her finger nails, and filed furiously feeling increasingly like Howard Hughes as the particles of nail filings whipped around the train carriage I imagined inhaling them and getting some sort of nail fungus lining my lungs.
Another time I stood waiting at a set of lights and happened to witness a lady in a shiny Lexus produce a pair of tweezers from the sun visor and pluck her chin hair out... in the car, at a busy intersection, in daylight. She'd clearly thought about this because she was prepared!
Like spitting on the street - YES I know that goes without saying but deserves a mention I feel.
Which leads me to a conclusion that Lexus or train it doesn't matter people are grotty inconsiderate filth-beasts.

1 memos sent:

Dataceptionist said...

Hahahaha filing nails? no prob. Picking undernail fungus!? EW!

AS for the chin hair, I often find it hilarious how when you're in your car it feels like you're in this protective bubble/cocoon, and no one can see you. I frequently pick at my nails, and I was doing it one day at the lights, when I glanced to my left and the guy in the next car made a visual joke that I was devouring my hands. It was funny, I wondered if he was simply digsuted with me in a light hearted way, or if perhaps he was trying to flirt, in a weird poking fun kind of way.
I'll never know....but I do love you, Red-Mazda-Bravo-Man.