All of my most significantly memorable moments involving the arts (for want of a better word) have been tainted by the evil soul-sucking sess-pool which is the ticket vendor.
On several occasions I have had prime seats cruelly snatched from my grasp owing to time-outs, server-downages and overflow.
I have watched as tickets for the Idiot Zone for Greenday disappeared and I was relegated to the back with the peasents, I screeched and howled like a banchee (whilst at work) as TICKETEK timed out when processing my Red Hot Chili Peppers tickets for the Chili Bowl and when I finally logged back on I got a ticket in the tier closest to being up God's nostril and cursed them again as they sold me a ticket to the West Tigers Premiership then reniged due to overselling.

Now again as my faveourite Sweet Transvestite is performed by the supurb and sensual iOTA I have been tortured by Ticketmaster as I was
about to purchase tickets in row BB for Rocky Horror Show when it all goes horribly wrong and I am left typing in
a zillion word verifactions (protection against unfair use of automated programs my ASS) with the crushing feeling that row J is the best I can find, I am just about to give up WHEN HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL AND THERE THEY ARE!!! Row BB!!
Purchase = Joy
3 memos sent:
Oh that is so awesome! Jealous!
Sigh. Tickets.
I paid my dues for them though!
Ticket Purchase Joy!
Unfortunately we are NOT in row BB.
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