I'd like to think that when possible I am a genuinly generous person, who gives what I can when I can to those I love and while it feels natural to sponge of one's parents (since I've been doing it since birth) I find it difficult to do so from friends.
Today I went on a lovely outting into our fair sunny city with my friend Lou and we enjoyed a lovely coffee, she had her latest tattoo done and then we caught light fetish shopping and some lunch and popped into Glebe for a spot of gelato... Only problem was all I paid for was to get my sweet self in and two scoops of gelato!
I know she said she'd shout me lunch, and the day was truely exceptional but truth is all this letching is starting to depress me a little.
I want to earn money, granted I also want to loafe about in the city with my friends but I have a spending problem and can't help myself. The need to spend has overcome me and I cannot resist spending my last twenty bucks to my name on a scoop of gelato and a diet coke.
I have resolved my New Years New Job New Life plan of attack to be;
1. Budget & Pay off credit card
2. Try to aim for quality clothes and shoes, supplementing wardrobe only occasionally with bargin cute things.
This all presupposes that I EVER find a job, and cease being boringly unemployable with expectations that are apprently too high although totally attainable if I try hard enough.
2 memos sent:
oh goodness, thats a little depressive sweetie!
I know what you mean though, what with our saving presently, I'm feeling very [pressured! It feels like when we have a little bit of extra money I don't have to spend it, but when we have none, suddenly I want to buy everything in sight.
Haha, dude it's ok! I had a great day, and as I've explained, I plan on being disgustingly rich one day, so hey! Oatmeal cookies are on me!
Tat is healing nicely. Matt saw it for first time last night, and similar to aunt he is coming around to it (it is weird to see it there when I look in the mirror - but I'm loving it more and more every time I see it).
Hope the job hunting is going ok. Mine is at a standstill, again, bah stupid world.
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