I can't help myself. I checked F/B about a million times today, ok maybe not a million but at least half a dozen.
I know that work places ban F/B from certain times and indeed all together, and think that it might be a good move for me.
After the inital F/B crush I thought, hey I'll get over Facey a bit, but I don't think that I have. I even had to have an application cleanup where I deleted all those shit apps that those people who add everything ever created have sent me.
I now ignore those requests.
I have tinkered with my news feed preferences, I show less profile and relationship changes but more photos friends and events. I rely on F/B to tell me how dirty and gifted I am, who's birthday is when and when my friends send a puppy to me.
This is all of course (read I hope) syptomatic of that fact I am on the computer for a good portion of the day job hunting. Surely when I have meaningful, exciting and fulfilling (read busy, stressful and highly paying) employment my facey co-dependency will gradually lessen....?

The only time my hair looks incredible is post hair dresser and when Alicia GHD's it.
Maybe it's a wig?
4 memos sent:
Re Laura Harris you'll probably find she has really fine hair that is dead straight, so it is of a completely different composition to your hair.
I think a GHD would help you in your quest for greatness.
Its not a wig when you look at other pics of her. :)
and yes you are a Facebook 'ho
When I was writing my thesis I joined the Facebook group "I should be writing my thesis but instead I'm on Facebook". They had some helpful illustrations to accompany this site, including one that said "I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY. I SAY IT FREQUENTLY."
Post thesis I am still there a lot. Gah!
HAHA facebook addicition is hard to keep at bay LOL
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