Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear Reanan, Happy Birthday to me!
Apprently I am totally uncool, several of my friends had to explain to me who this Hannah Montana girl is. Now that I know I find it even worse!
On the weekend, I turned 24 tipping me into the deep end of my early twenties (yeah baby I am still riding the early twenties!)
All in all, despite a few hitches (Dad not being 100% well, and not having ajob) I had a pretty good birthday, celebrating with friends and a family with cake, and wine and tequila!
All in all, despite a few hitches (Dad not being 100% well, and not having ajob) I had a pretty good birthday, celebrating with friends and a family with cake, and wine and tequila!
As I get into a sensible age, where we can all can on reasonably well and sit down in a resturant and have a lovely dinner, I realise how much I am beginning to spurn the younger whippersnappers (even though I was one not to long ago.)
I notice the pub is getting to be full of obnoxious brats in fluro shirts and canvas boat shoes, abhorently who five years ago would have been just my type (fluro shirts and boat shoes aside.)
I notice the pub is getting to be full of obnoxious brats in fluro shirts and canvas boat shoes, abhorently who five years ago would have been just my type (fluro shirts and boat shoes aside.)

Hannah Montana is a Disney show about ordinary school girl Miley Stewart who by night turns into a super pop singer Hannah Montana unbeknosts to her family and adoring friends.
I don't really know what disturbs me more; the fact that my friends know what about this show, the fact that this 16 year old girl has two fake aliases, OR THE FACT THAT THIS HANNAH MONTANA/MILEY STEWART IS REALLY CALLED MILEY CYRUS MAKING HER DAUGHTER OF BILLY RAY - ACHY BREAKY HEART fame - CYRUS?
In addition to being totally intolerant and uncool, I find myself checking out 'older men' - MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME?
Now by older men I don't mean J. Howard Marshall but rather dashing looking 30ish men *GASP* in suits and leather shoes who smell good and don't wear thier collars up.
Now by older men I don't mean J. Howard Marshall but rather dashing looking 30ish men *GASP* in suits and leather shoes who smell good and don't wear thier collars up.
If cocktails, nicely presented men & better jobs (I hope for all three this year) is what being twenty something is about I say all aboard!
2 memos sent:
Toot toot all aboard the respectable train!
I actually find the thing in pop culture that makes me feel the most out of touch is High School Musical. I don't understand that Zac Efron shit at all.
And weirdly, I only just had Hannah Montana explained to me in :achy breaky heart: terms on the weekend. LOL
HAHA for fab-o of us... actually as an aside I don't get the High School Musical franchise at all!
I am glad we don't have to put up with them (in the sense that we have children who would watch it) I hope that there is a better option!
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