I realise that I haven't had a proper rant in a while. You know that really good kind of rant that some people just cannot understand and small children are afraid of.
I can rant about little things, like people who accost you in the street and try to give you flyer you don't want for products, religions, charities and social events you don't need no matter how much you pretend to be on the phone or hom much you listen to your iPod.
Or recruitment companies who are draining my soul away like Voldemort drinking the blood of a unicorn to stay alive on the back of Professor Quirrel's head.
Or how I am incapable of mental arithmetic which is why I will never beat my score on Who Has The Biggest Brain on Facebook.
However I cannot have a proper all encompassing rant, about how much my boss who is usually fabulous and understanding is giving me the shits about something I have already completed and sent out to the relevant parties before she told me she needs it to be leather-bound and sent out by white doves not emailed and when I call my artistic, sensitive boyfriend for sympathy all he does is tell me to get over it and that he has problems too because he has an art show that opens in a week so I go out with the intention of having a three day weekend blinder but my hair won't sit quite properly no matter how much styling product and the shirt I picked seems to have a mystery stain and there are a million silly people at the cocktail bar and the fifteen dollar cocktail I just waited ten minutes for is too cold too sweet in the wrong glass with stupid garnishing and barely three quarters full.
I cannnot rant about this. Well I could if this was a fiction blog but it's not it's a blog about what is really going and what is really going on is some sort of living stagnation that is occurring because I cannot go out into the work place and into the social scene and make connections because I am an Aquarius and I need external stimulation and I feel like writing in one long sentence because that is what I do when I rant oratorically and excessive proper punctuation is something that only terribly interesting and suave people employ so instead I will keep ranting about not being able to rant all in one sentence like a crazy woman who needs to inhale deeply from a paper bag.
3 memos sent:
darling I love you, and if I could make some sort of joke about being xternally stimulated together without it sounds dirty and incestual I would.
~*~Joke in spirit~*~
Lets have a ponipolitan in spirit too- do I serve them in the right glass?
Rant away and well deserved by the sounds of it :)
Stupid rip off cocktail.
LOL dirty *hehehe*
Yes Ponipolitans all round!
You made the drink, it is your namesake you can serve it in any glass you like!
We'd drink it from a yard glass if we could hehe
But I suppose a manhattan glass is proper
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