I enjoy deciphering parallels, like mysteries waiting to be personally interpreted. For instance, the parallels between The Wizard of Oz and The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd (Thanks K!), The Book of Daniel chiasm or the parallel between 'Dreamgirls' the movie and The Supremes.
Some of these parallels are more obvious than others, more simplistic, for instance it doesn't take a genius to see that Diana Ross was a diva and so was 'Deena Jones.'
But a parallel between the two above? I didn't think so.
After watching (ok drooling through) Troy on Saturday night, and decided I wanted to read The Iliad, which is a poem along with the Odessey what the story of Troy was formed from, to further my personal education.
Conviently there is an large independant bookshop located near my work, so when I finished I bustled down and looked through the shelves.
I was greeted by the owner, as sensible looking gent with half moon glasses, deep in conversation with his friend about relationships and the renovations the shop was going through shortly.
Due to my limited time between shopping and getting to the station so I don't miss the infernal train I popped my head from round the stacks and asked,
"Do you have any Homer?"
He cocked his head to the side and said "Homer Simpson?"
"No... um like The Iliad" I said wrly, he obviously felt jaw droppingly stupid because he rushed over to history and said "No, Sorry, must be sold out - and I have no idea why I said Simpson."
I ended up buying out his Harry Potter range and he said "Homer and Harry, good cross section" - I replied with, "Yes, well, variety is the spice of life?"
Guess my personal education will have to wait.
5 memos sent:
hahahaha hilarious. I had to share with my boss, love it.
LOL thankyou
I think the guy felt like such a moron... He just looked like a librarian and then says 'Simpson?'
btw, I'm sure you're already aware, but Homer is quite tedious to read. We read the Odyssey (sp?) in Year 10 (which we compared to Apollo 13 the Tom Hanks movie-go figure) and I don't know if I'd recommend it.
Plus, Homer is only loosely regarded as a Historian as his version of events is pretty much the ONLY version left to us.
Oh yeah I know, as boring as Jane Austin on a wet week off pay week.
YAWN, just interested.
LOL, well history is written by the winner.
I didn't even know Homer was regarded as History, more philosophy, or poetry?
Go you though! I feel sorry for the poor guy, he must have been SO embarrassed that you asked an intelligent sorta question and he responds with his first thought which was a sad popculture reference - he is probably really disappointed in himself! Half moon glasses and all :P
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