Naturally I had forgotten all about this as I bid for an adorable little pair of NWB Cafe Latte coloured pair of leather flats. Eleven bucks plus five dollar postage! What a winner I thought gleefully to myself as I proceeded to the checkout.
PAYPAL or COD ONLY? ARGH, what an annoying confrontation.
I categorically refuse to use paypal, even before they spearheaded us by forcing us with no other alternative. I find it is unnecessary to involve my credit card in things, mostly because I'm not speaking to it anymore because I am a shopaholic.
Dismayed I started typing an email to the seller, apologising because I am clearly an idiot but don't have paypal so therefore cannot complete the sale.
I had almost sent it when I noticed that in her little payment options blurb, she had written EFT accepted.
Somewhere in my brain, a light turns on - WHY DON'T I JUST ASK HER FOR THE EFT DETAILS? Ebay have removed eft details from the checkout, but what is to stop us from completing the sale externally?
HAHA! I think Ebay have done themselves here, they still have to allow COD and what really is the difference if we organize payment amongst ourselves?
Surely it cannot be this easy to find a loop hole?
So I launch into research mode, EBAY have this to say:
' From 21 May 2008: You must offer PayPal on all of your listings as well as currently permitted payment methods.
From 17 June 2008: You will only be able to offer PayPal on your listing and Pay on pick up (ie: paid for when picking up the item.)
Pay on pick up can only be offered in conjunction with PayPal. No other payment methods will be accepted. '
Why is EBay changing?:
To make our marketplace an even safer way to buy and sell, Ebay.com.au is introducing some changes:
21 May 2008 - All items listed for sale on eBay.com.au must offer PayPal as one of the payment methods
17 June 2008 All items appearing on eBay.com.au must be paid for using either: • PayPal • Visa/Mastercard (with transactions processed by PayPal) • Pay on pick up (i.e. paid for when picking up the item)No other payment methods will be accepted.
· PayPal Buyer Protection will increase to AU$20,000.
I still don't see what is to stop sellers listing Paypal AND COD, and then externally organising EFT payments. So what if I am in Sydney and my shoes are in SA, perhaps I can pick them up.
Update; I am a total idiot, shoes are a size nine... I am a seven and a half. Fortunately seller is letting me off with only paying the fees that Ebay charged her to place the ad then will resell. Nice.
4 memos sent:
Thats freakin hilarious. Rant then discover you cocked it up anyways.
I like your loop hole, but it would leave VERY little protection if something did go pear shaped along the way
*seller was nice to you. Idiot.
LMAO, I KNOW! I couldn't bloody believe it!
We've only got as much protection as we did before!
I guess if you're willing to do EFT 'off the books' not many sellers will care. It just potentially screws yourself over.
Sucks that the shoes were the wrong size though- they sounded cute!
yeah I guess thats what I mean K, you've got less protection and less recourse if you're paying through a method Ebay is telling sellers not to offer. if something DOES go wrong, the seller can just laugh and tell you to piss off, and ebay won't help either.
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