Sunday 25 May 2008

Gimme a head of hair!

Long beautiful hair... err um, well short actually.
My cousin just got a FAB little Aeon Flux type cut, very edgy and suits her totally, which has re-inspired me to go for the lop - opposed to my other option, which was to get extensions, drastic I know but I am reaching the end of my style tether.
So having reignited my hair search, I bought on of those disgustingly HUGE priced hair magazine and am hoping I have had a mini-revolution.
As previously discussed, I am one cursed with a vile cow's lick. HATE HATE HATE.

My hair dresser usually knows me as fairly fearless in the hair front, my motto being 'It's just hair' but amusingly enough I am looking at styles I would never have considered automatically vetoing due to fringe aspect.

I'm looking at a morph of these two styles, The Keira Knightly cut will keep enough length and weight on the stupid cow's lick to keep it from being an issue, while also hiding a bit of forehead and the back of the second cut has a miriad of options for cute choppy hair.
Getting quite excited about the thought of maybe being able to have a funky little quiff at the front! OHH maybe anyway!

3 memos sent:

K said...

I tried for a fringe and it bugged me so bad. But my haridresser only gave me a light fringe as we weren't sure of it would be any good. I think I need to just go the whole hog.

The problem I have with my hair is that a style might look great but I am too slack to get up early enough to do my own hair. And unstyled they always look like shite.

You gotta take the plunge though - give it a go. You'll probably look hot as!

Dataceptionist said...

Yeah do it!!! Eca's looks very cute!
But as she demonstrated Saturday, it will need straightening and product-ing to look fab.
I much prefer style on the right to Keiras though.

.:.:. Reanan .:.:. said...

I could probably pull the right one off more than Keira's... MAYBE

I want little long bits too like Eca's, in the hair book one of the girls has this awesome looking section just sort of cut out...

Anyway I suppose if it doesn't work, there is only a week between a good and bad hair cut - and fortunately head bands are in!