Wednesday 14 May 2008

Life as a Newbie

Being new has it's lerks and perks.
A perk seems to be merrily slinking off to the bathroom because you have recently increased your water consumption exponentially.
Also you can happily give wide eyed answers to questions because you genuinely do not know the answer, as a result of being new, as opposed to playing dumb.
And because you are new you can easily spend time catching up on the odd email, because nobody quite trusts you enough to do something major.

Today marked a complete week at my new job.
Lets just say that my predecessor seems to have been unliked... well fairly furiously.
Listening to my employers qualms about GBM (Guy Before Me), I feel confident that I will probably not suffer the same pitfalls as him.
He seemed to have strange work ethics, and while he was being guided worked well until someone looked the other way and it all fell to pieces so I am fairly confident that (at this stage at least) I won't get the arse the way he did.
Yesterday I was doing a GBM clean up, getting rid of some of the stuff littering his desk and decided to clean out my sent emails when I came across personal emails from him to his partner about work/family/money concerns, nothing earth shattering.
Of course. These. Should. NOT. Be. Read.
I should have deleted them, and I did immediately but as I was permanently deleting things I couldn't help but have a little kibitz on his life. Very bad I know.
BOY did he like to email. And tell his partner how much he loved her.
Sweet but seven emails in one day to that effect... too much. And time consuming because most of them had word file attachments.
The phrase "I don't know what GBM did but..." I guess I know the answer.

Oh and yes, I am a snoop.
Sweet but nine emails in one day to that effect? Too much me thinks.

6 memos sent:

K said...

How could you not? We havea document system that also stores emails and I was transferring some emails across from an ex-supervisor's account. I caught some of his personal ones in thr process - Online dating with Russian women (in Australia I think)! AND I hears he got married recently - I wonder if it was one of them?

Dataceptionist said...

Oh yes certainly I wouldn't have been able to help myself.
Goodness, I must remember to do that if I ever leave this job (did I do that when I left Dataception???? Eek!)

(I might have kept all 1000 and read through them every so often....)

PrincesseEmma said...

I totally would've read 'em too!
I just had my first week at my new job too. But the difference is my first week was the first of 7 weeks of training and there was an intake of about 30 people so I'm new but not alone in that. It's good, I've actually made some friends (this surprised me as I didn't really make friends at uni - but I think that was because I had existing friends in my classes and I didn't make the effort)
Are you liking your job so far?

.:.:. Reanan .:.:. said...

GOOD to hear I am not too bad surely!!

Eww... Russian bride? So seedy... and unseemly!

Yes Data make sure you rid all old emails! Dont want your banality out for the world to read!

PrinEm, glad to hear your getting into it too! I am enjoying it, not feeling too out of my depths which is good and the people are nice if not a little strange!

Dataceptionist said...

Yeah with such racy stuff as this recent email

May 19 2008
Subject : Stuff

Dataceptionist: I was thinking of lasagne for dinner
M: yeah sounds good. can you pick me up some deodorant when you're at the shops?
Dataceptionist: Yeah no worries. Did you decide what to get your mum for her birthday?
M: Yeah I was thinking a gift voucher, can you call somewhere local and organise that?
Hey I sent Luke the email about his uncle in Japan
Dataceptionist: Cool
M: Ok babe.

.:.:. Reanan .:.:. said...


When I say saucy I mean it lol