Well my loop hole has just slipped and chocked me, and as far as I am concerned have alienated scores of people who want to shift some unwanted clutter.
After stuffing up my cute ebay purchase, my seller said she would just readjust the invoice and I could simply pay fees incurred for listing the item. Excellent. Only problem being, now EBAY have revoked this feature.
So pressing my luck, I asked my seller if I could simply pay the $2.50 directly and then get her to make payment as received.
An awesome idea on my part because it would also confirm if my loophole was alive and kicking.
Apprently not.
Clearly because Ebay and PayPal are linked they are linking payment receipt directly into Ebay as a function.
Sneaky, greedy bastards.
This for me signals...
3 memos sent:
Well it seemed like a good idea. Clearly they hacked your blog and removed this loophole DIRECTLY BECAUSE OF YOU
That totally sucks. So what happened? You could just renege on the transaction, pay her direct, get her to leave good feedback for you?
Didn't they say you could still COD?
Well OBVIOUSLY... Big Brother IS watching...
Apprently the problem is you CANNOT redraw your purchase anymore should you make a gaff.
And because she had it listed a PayPal payment it has created a paypal invoice which cannot be altered and cannot be paid direct because it's all linked up together.
fuck. lol
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