They were the dance teacher equivilent of the nun in the Blues Brothers.
One teacher had a habit of bellowing POSTURE!!!! which the whole class would shoot up, stand straight and tense all muscles.
Obviously Kate Ritchie needs to have her own personal ballet teacher, following her around screaming POSTURE!!!! physically rolling her shoulders back, and whipping a long stick around her buttocks.
Look at her... I know I slouch but this isn't slouching, it seems to be her thrusting her shoulders forward to expose all her collar bones.

Obviously this is the pose de jour? Miley Cyrus, Keira Knightly, Carrie Underwood and Mary Kate Olsen think its terrifically emaciating looking.
I think that tanorexic troll Rachel Zoe might be to blame here, but maybe I am just looking for a scapegoat here for the proliferation of this hunching, slouch.
POSTURE!!!!!! *SIGH* why can't these girls stand up straight, roll thier shoulders back and work thier racks!! (Albeit limited portions.)
POSTURE!!!!!! *SIGH* why can't these girls stand up straight, roll thier shoulders back and work thier racks!! (Albeit limited portions.)
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I know! I hate seeing slouching on tv! I can't help but notice it.
(I never knew you did ballet? I want to see your fifth!)
I'm such a posture nazi (thankyou Physie). Did you notice that the girls with posture also have boobs?
Maybe lack of boobies causes the skinny little things to cower in shame...
It is just so noticable!!
(And yes I did for many many years, did ballet exams for royal acadamy of ballet and all)
Fifth is pretty good, but first I feel like I would fall over lol.
Yes I have noticed this!! Because if WE walked around with our shoulders saggying our backs would hurt at the end of the day!
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