Thursday 24 April 2008


I was BlogTardy yesterday.
Surely I am not alone here, your sitting reading your stories and all of a sudden you needed to be somewhere ten minuets ago!
It was half past eleven, and I was still sitting in my pajamas and reading my blogs (actually K's blog lol) when I noticed the time and realised that I had twenty minuets to shower, blow dry and dress for the corporate world.
Not happening.

So my blogtardiness made me six minuets late for my interview! For shame!

3 memos sent:

Dataceptionist said...

oh no!
This happens to me a lot at work.

K said...

Oh dear - I feel guilty now!!

Did they comment on your lateness?

(and did you ever hear back from that last interview?)

.:.:. Reanan .:.:. said...

LOL very naughty isn't it!

It's not your fault K! hehe, it was at a recruiter anyway so there was a mountain of paperwork anyway!