You know that scene in Almost Famous, where Philip Seymour Hoffman as Lester Bangs tells Patrick Fugit as William that they are both uncool?
Man I am so uncool.Maybe not as uncool as SeHoff but definatly on the uncool radar.
Part of my uncoolness comes from a deep seeded loathing of 'reality tv' so I find myself saying 'Who are these people?' whenever a new show pops up.
That and I am apprently a nanna at twenty four.
I collect lists of these shows that pop up to investigate, and see if I want to bother watching them.

Keeping up with the Kardashians first and formost WHAT is a Kardashian? Apprently Robert Kardashian is the lawyer who got O.J off... I would have thought he'd be trying to keep it on the down low.
Yes he is, but his ex wife Kris and children named (I joke not) Kourtney, Kimberley, Khloe, Kendal and Kylie (and some boringly named boys) are sharing thier lives and flogging thier shops and singing careers on E!
And like all cleaver upwardly mobile young starlets Kimberly Kardashian has been embroiled in her own sex tape 'scandal'.
We can thank Ryan Seacreast Productions for this one, thats quality entertainment right there.

Tim Gunn's Guide to Style who is Tim Gunn? And why should I be listening to him for style and taste tips? He could be Bai Ling's mentor for all I know.
Tim Gunn is a Project Runway judge (cringe reality TV) but also was chair of fashion design at some snooty design college.
I am unsure if his seemingly unerring style should be questioned or not...

Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth
I know, now I am just making people up! I thought it said alot when I searched for her photo and her subtitle was Omarosa who?
Omarosa is from The Apprentice; Celebrity Edition but other than being voted in 2005 'as the most reviled reality show contestant' by TV Guide I can't really see what else she does.
Omarosa apprently had links to the Clinton-Gore administration as a 'former political appointee in the Clinton-Gore White House.'

High School Musical I know, I know, not a television show BUT WHO THE HELL ARE THESE KIDS?
HSM is a television movie and a bunch of on stage performances made by Disney, and they all sing and dance and make merry through the benial tween plot.
YUCK. But I suppose being Disney they have a clean wholesome image... oh until photos emerge of the teen protagoist in the nude.
Man I am so uncool.Maybe not as uncool as SeHoff but definatly on the uncool radar.
Part of my uncoolness comes from a deep seeded loathing of 'reality tv' so I find myself saying 'Who are these people?' whenever a new show pops up.
That and I am apprently a nanna at twenty four.
I collect lists of these shows that pop up to investigate, and see if I want to bother watching them.

Keeping up with the Kardashians first and formost WHAT is a Kardashian? Apprently Robert Kardashian is the lawyer who got O.J off... I would have thought he'd be trying to keep it on the down low.
Yes he is, but his ex wife Kris and children named (I joke not) Kourtney, Kimberley, Khloe, Kendal and Kylie (and some boringly named boys) are sharing thier lives and flogging thier shops and singing careers on E!
And like all cleaver upwardly mobile young starlets Kimberly Kardashian has been embroiled in her own sex tape 'scandal'.
We can thank Ryan Seacreast Productions for this one, thats quality entertainment right there.

Tim Gunn's Guide to Style who is Tim Gunn? And why should I be listening to him for style and taste tips? He could be Bai Ling's mentor for all I know.
Tim Gunn is a Project Runway judge (cringe reality TV) but also was chair of fashion design at some snooty design college.
I am unsure if his seemingly unerring style should be questioned or not...

Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth
I know, now I am just making people up! I thought it said alot when I searched for her photo and her subtitle was Omarosa who?
Omarosa is from The Apprentice; Celebrity Edition but other than being voted in 2005 'as the most reviled reality show contestant' by TV Guide I can't really see what else she does.
Omarosa apprently had links to the Clinton-Gore administration as a 'former political appointee in the Clinton-Gore White House.'

High School Musical I know, I know, not a television show BUT WHO THE HELL ARE THESE KIDS?
HSM is a television movie and a bunch of on stage performances made by Disney, and they all sing and dance and make merry through the benial tween plot.
YUCK. But I suppose being Disney they have a clean wholesome image... oh until photos emerge of the teen protagoist in the nude.
5 memos sent:
Hahaaha "kids today"
Kardashians-surely fug has taught you enough about these no-body celebrities? I don't have Fox and I'm sick of hearing about Kim. They don't DO anything. Enough typing wasted on them.
Never heard of Tim Gunn. Sounds like I'm not missing much.
Omarosa-I recognised her name immediately, even though I've never watched the Apprentice interestingly.
HSM- blah blah blah sing blah blah. apparently Tammin Sursok from H&A has just been given some sort of off-shoot/spin off series from this.
And dude, thanks for the tip to Ask a Manager, interesting site! If you haven't already, skip over to Evil HR Lady too.
And I've never quite managed to watch Almost Famous...
HAHA I think the Kardashians have just sort of melted into the fug for me... like the Peldons except they are just so POINTLESS I remember them!!
LOL yes Tim Gunn seems like we are not missing out on much... have still not watched him (or any of these things!?)
LOL Omarosa seems to be a celebrity on her own accord... one of the Apprentice contestants says on the ads 'Omarosa, sorry never heard of you' - when one B list celeb has not heard of you take it as a bad thing I think.
God as HSM needs is an ex-H&A, PUKE.
Hahaha Omarosa on Fug today.
And yes the parallel to her possibly being on crack is valid.
(I can't beleive they didn't draw a Heidi Montag (who IS she anyway???) and Posh comparison with this dress!!)
In that weird Kevin Bacon kind of way, I've seen this woman referred to all over the place since this post.
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