Monday, 31 March 2008
Life as a Forgetter
It was witty and had a picture and all that *HUFF*
My blogging has piqued already.
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Life as a ...
Friday marked the beginning of the seal pup hunt in Canada, and is carried on in Norway, Greenway, Russia and Namibia.
Seals are hunted for thier pelts (or fur), blubber used for oil, meat for pet food and reportedly thier genitals as an aphrodisiac for frustrated Asian men.
They use an instrument called a hakapik to crush its skull and the hook to move the carcass.
It is cruel, morally repugnant and in this day and age totally disgusting.
It has long been argued that the seal pup hunting is a population control measure and to protect other species - why then is such a violent means of killing necessary? Because shooting them would ruin the pelt. The Canadian Fisheries Department claims studies 'have consistently proven that the club or hakapik is an efficient tool designed to kill the animal quickly and humanely.'
However due to improper use the seal endures "considerable and unacceptable suffering," (IFWA) before even reaching a state of unconsciousness.
Although the SUSTAINABLE killing of harp and hooded seals
for food and fur had indeed been occuring for thousands of years by native
peoples of northern lattitudes, the most recent 300 years brought about a new
reason for killing harp seals: COMMERCIAL EXPLOITATION, and with that, the end to any shred of earlier, necessity from sealing.
I consider this unacceptable, and I TOTALLY disagree with this, especially as an alleged means of population control.

Saturday, 29 March 2008
Life as a Scarf lover

Friday, 28 March 2008
Life as a non-Drunkorexic
Ninemsn reports; watch the video here
A shocking new trend in young women's nutrition finds them combining a
desire to be thin with the growing problem of binge drinking.
While drunkorexia is not an official medical term, it is being used to define the
phenomenon of young women skipping meals to allow them to drink alcohol without
putting on weight.
Ms McMillan-Price explains that while replacing a meal with alcohol probably does keep the weight down, but it excludes important vitamins and nutrients needed in a healthy diet.
"Alcohol drains nutrients from your body. The more you drink the more you metabolise in a different way," she explains. "Eating on an empty stomach increases the rate you absorb alcohol and so you will get drunk faster and also lowers blood sugar levels (and willpower levels) so that you may find yourself intending not to eat and then heading for the pizza shop after a few too many and overeating all the wrong foods."
Oh I so get that, midnight cheeseburgers is what that translates to BUT I always try to feel less bad about it by thinking that I've been at the club for say several hours dancing, I feel that a cheeseburger of a measly 285 calories (which only takes 60 mins of walking at 3kph to work off *tongue in cheek*)
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Life as a Leibovitz lover
She worked for Rolling Stone almost from its creation, photographing some of the biggest artists of our time, she took that photo of Yoko clinging to husband John Lennon the morning of his assassination. In the 80's she moved to Vanity Fair, took that photo of a VERY pregnant Demi Moore, Whoppi Goldberg in a milk bath, Posh and Becks in a semi pornographic shoot and oh the occasional British monarch.
Her beautiful portraiture has crafted many group shots but as I've noticed in some of the groups there is just no helping some people.
There's one in every group (well not every group) but 14years of group covers I scrolled through some of them and couldn't help notice... doesn't Renee Zellweger look like the Chinese swimmer who kicked up all that stink, whilst looking uncomfortable and out of place.
More woman of Hollywood, and why does Brittney Murphy look like she just scrawled up from a four day blinder... and Kirsten Dunst instead of looking aloof just looks a bit put out (because she's not the one wearing no shirt?)
Like I said some people just can't be helped. Lovely composition though I suppose.
This one kicked up some turbulence, I mean they are naked... oh get with it people, it's art!
Tom Ford appears to be chewing on Keira Knightly's ear? Ear fancying aside he looks ok right? KK looks a bit odd and hunched but Scarlett looks more comfortable, creamy and sort of starry-eyed.
I buy Vanity Fair VERY VERY occasionally, the bloody thing costs a fortune, but I bought and loved the series of covers she did for an article on the peril in Africa that was guest edited by notorious celebrities, George Clooney, Bono, Queen Rania, Madonna, Maya Angelou, Muhammad Ali, Barak Obama, Bill Gates, Desmond Tutu, Iman, Oprah .. OK you get the point.

This months cover features an article asking, 'Who says woman aren't funny?' and Annie photographs several female comedians taking the piss out of the culture rampant in young Hollywood, Amy Winehouse, Britney Spears, Linsday Lohan they whole nine yeads.
But I love the cover, they look dreamy and floaty and it seems that she's groping her or is that just me?
Anyway I love her. You go girl!
NB; Thanks to anon it is indeed Tom Ford.
Friday, 21 March 2008
Life as a Easter bunny

Wee isn’t Easter a lovely time? Almost as fun as Christmas, I remember Easter egg hunts at my cousins house, following my Uncle around convinced that he as going to inadvertently show us the location of all the eggs. He was a tough hider!!
Last year (or year before) we did another egg hunt for the littlies and I walked past a tree the following day and spotted an egg which had been missed – MINE!
As little bunnies and baby chicks nestle about looking adorable and little girls go looking for Easter eggs in giant red tulips I am afraid I have something very serious to discuss.
It is the evil scourge of the world of which I speak.
FRUITLESS HOT CROSS BUNS!! Hot cross buns with no fruit? On purpose?
We very excitedly rose this morning to dive into our fresh hot cross buns which had been smelling divine in the kitchen since we bought them.
Taking four out of the pack, I popped them into the microwave to prepare to butter them warm. As I split into it… NO FRUIT! Must be an error in this bun, a faulty bun.
All four buns, no fruit…. Only to my dismay do I see the Woolworth label reads ‘Fruitless Hot Cross Buns.’ Why? Is this a sick joke?
That's one of my favorite parts, and without the fruit it was nothing more than an unpalatable brown bun thing with a bit of cross on top.
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Life as a Cowlicker

All for the sake of two dozen little hair follicles spiralling up and out and making my hairlife miserable.
I long for a fringe, blunt cut, wispy or side sweeping - as I have a long face shape it would be ideal, but no no no. Blow drying and product kinda work in the very sense that they work as long as I can be bothered to apply them and if I do not encounter any form of moisture in the air, thank god I don't live in Queensland right?
I also quite like the Rihanna inverted asymmetrical bob, but now every teenage trendoid has glommed onto it so that holds little appeal.
These cuts below could be what I'm looking for sort of asymmetrical , sans fringe naturally, keep it dark brown, maybe with some skinny deep purply/red fudge-lights... HMM I still don't know if I could be bothered to style it properly everyday, but moulding paste could get the job done... HMM

Tuesday, 18 March 2008
Life as a Book Reviewer

Thursday, 13 March 2008
Life as a Avon Lady

Oh god, oh god, oh god! What HAVE I gotten myself into?
Missing a few products that I use (nail polish, body washes, makeup) I decided to join up to Avon to mostly buy my own stuff.
My uplead (or whatever they are called) Rebecca just came by and brought with her my stuff, a dozen books, some samples and her best sales woman speil.
I only have to sell $200 worth of stuff to make $16.60! WOW that's amazing, how awesome! lol
So if you want any nail polish etc let me know! do it!
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Life as a Fashion Critic; part 2

Thursday, 6 March 2008
Life as a Dirty Dancer

The 55-year-old performer was working during his treatments, publicist Annett Wolf said, dismissing reports in the tabloid media that portrayed him in grave condition with only weeks to live.
Wolf issued a written statement from his physician, Dr. George Fisher that said: "Patrick has a very limited amount of disease and he appears to be responding well to treatment."
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
Life as a Cosmetic Surgeon
Isn't it pretty? Don't you just love it?
No? Too pink & girly... Well hard fromage I am girly (sometimes) and as much as I loved Goldie and Perky (my two bloggy fishes) after 13 posts I had grown somewhat bored of them.
Have you even notice other people's grotty habits? (while of course remaining blithely unaware of your own, as it should be) Well I've seen some pearlers.
On the train this afternoon, I was sitting next to a woman filing her nails, which I must confess I have committed this cardinal sin but only to combat a hangnail.
I watched as she picked the muck from under her finger nails, and filed furiously feeling increasingly like Howard Hughes as the particles of nail filings whipped around the train carriage I imagined inhaling them and getting some sort of nail fungus lining my lungs.
Another time I stood waiting at a set of lights and happened to witness a lady in a shiny Lexus produce a pair of tweezers from the sun visor and pluck her chin hair out... in the car, at a busy intersection, in daylight. She'd clearly thought about this because she was prepared!
Like spitting on the street - YES I know that goes without saying but deserves a mention I feel.
Which leads me to a conclusion that Lexus or train it doesn't matter people are grotty inconsiderate filth-beasts.
Life as a Fashion Critic

Oh Hawko, Hawko, Hawko, Hawko. When sashaying down the catwalk in a full length Toni Maticevski gown (see above) Jen got her shoe caught on the end of the dress (probably puncturing the couture as well) but managed to avert the disaster of falling flat on her face, unlike the infamous skirt incident which left her a little red faced.
I know I find it difficult to not get my heel caught in full skirts, in fact at my cousins wedding I put about four holes in the bottom of my skirt, one of which when I was walking down the ailse causing me to nearly be aisle-roadkill.
But I am not a model who makes a living off oozing sex down the catwalk.
Monday, 3 March 2008
Life as a Singleton

Apprently my email knows I am single... I have recieved several emails now from whatever the hell that is supposed to insinuate!
Apprently; Here are 3 signs of a healthy and mature man-
Sign #1: He Can Stay "Calm In The Storm"
Mature men aren't easily rattled to where they act out, become defensive or blame others.
Hint- men want nothing as much as to make the woman they're interested in or with feel happy
Sign #2: He Has Other Healthy Relationships
This is an obvious sign you might already know about.
Tip- one of the best things you can do inside your relationship with a man to keep him open isn't what most women do, which is to try and TALK to him more.
Sign #3: A Purpose That's Greater Than Himself
I'm about to share with you one of the very best ways to tell if a man has "done the work" for himself and might make a great boyfriend or husband.
What do you do when you feel disconnected fromlove and the man you're with?
Do you inspire and create more love and make iteasy for you both to connect?
Or do you get frustrated that things aren't going well and accidentally push him further away with your feelings?
I kid you not... this is actual sections of the email I recieved. Who knew that you were actually supposed to pay attention to the things people do? *SHOCK* So this is where I've been going wrong?
What horseshit this email is. Whaffling on about snagging that perfect 'healthy mature male' - perhaps I want an aimless, directionless, tattooed, artist slash model who does drug runs to pay for his hecs debt? Hey, did they think about that?
No apprently I want groundedness and while; Chemistry is great. But if you want a real lasting and loving relationship, picking a man you know has the necessary qualities and "skills" to have a great relationship with you is just as important.
I don't know what is worse, the fact that this filth has been jettisoned into cyberspace in order to fill some infuriating lecture hall and line this womans pockets or that even my email thinks I need help!