Wednesday 25 June 2008

So it's true she is the Devil

We Salute you our half inflated dark lord! So one of these is a cartoon and one is just plain loony tunes.
The thought of Celine Dion singing AC/DC 'You Shook Me All Night Long' is enough to keep me awake at night.
The song has been covered by numerous people, Kid Rock, Big & Rich, Kelly Clarkson and interestingly enough Shania Twain who's husband produced the song with AC/DC in 1980, but defiantly the most horrifying for me is this incarnation, recorded initally for a VH1 Diva's special with Anastasia (she sort of rocked it) and she now apprently she does it occasionally on stage .

2 memos sent:

Dataceptionist said...

I like The Celine....

haha I always thought that was "You....should be al-llll I want..."


.:.:. Reanan .:.:. said...

HAHA what? I don't think the AC/DC boys ever had such a cencored though lol