Tuesday 24 June 2008

Facebook Strikes Again

So I wouldn't call it facebook stalking... perhaps I will avoid hanging a tag on it at all for my mental health.
So I facebooked a guy I was going out with recently (Central Coast Bee for those in the know) ...everyone does it okay
To find out that he's listed as 'In a Relationship' -
HUH, well then fabulous isn't it.
Clearly nobody (without extenuating circumstances) does this and actually hopes to see a listing of 'Single' and a status of oh say 'xxxx is moping and miserable' but geez you don't want them to be doing better than yourself for goodness sake.
Guess that's another lesson in minding your own business.

4 memos sent:

lou said...

Ugh, facebook sucks.

However, be rallied by the fact that 'relationship status' doesn't mean much.

I mean, some people 'marry' their sister - those sick freaks :p

Dataceptionist said...

Tim "workified" his Facebook and changed his relationship status to "not in a relationship" and Erica had this flurry of "did you break up?" questions from friends.
Nevermind the people that would have "kept a respectful distance" LOL

Ahhh. MY Ex-BF-Bee has just accepted my friend request, haven't yet determined if this is actually a good thing.

Haha great cartoon btw

.:.:. Reanan .:.:. said...

LOL yes Lou some sick sick mo'fos do marry thier siblings lol

OH what! Did he remove it or did he just change it?
There is a difference! lol

Ahh X-BF-B hey... yes probably you can be happy in the thought that he's probably not terribly interested in you much any more?

Yeah what a kak!

Anonymous said...

He said he changed some security settings and it went away! He's not interested in women anymore either I think....d'oh!
I will practise my deepest voice for next time we meet...