That is gone.
On the weekend, I conceded defeat and unplugged my modem from my PC to connect to my laptop to use skype. This pissed me off so fatally because I had previously and painfully created a wireless LAN and set up total secure wireless Internet, file and print sharing.
But eventually the novelty of the laptop wore off, and when I reignited it of course everything had gone to bollocks and for the life of me I don't know how I managed to network it because I don't remember this computer even having a network card.
I'd love to get it working again, but my motivation is ebbing low.
It reminds me of the fact that my phone is dying a slow and annoying death.

I managed to send a rather rude sounding (when taken TOTALLY out of context) text message to the wrong person. FATAL ERROR.
Fortunately the text went to the best possible person, a rather liberal minded friend of mine, who found humour in situation, as opposed to say - the very Christian mother like figure from my previous work place.
I recently read that in Israel they had launched a 'Kosher Phone' to cater for the strict Orthodox Jewish community.
The handset has purportedly had the internet, SMS, video and voicemail facilities disabled. Naturally the press have made a misnomer, a device cannot actually be Kosker but it does have the cencorship seal of approval from the 'Rabbinical Committee for Communications'
On the upside the 'Kosher Phone' is cheaper if you call another 'Kosher Phone' (I guess many Hasidic Jews don't have too many Baptist friends) except for the Sabbath when you get $2.44 US per min! Thats hardcore
On the upside the 'Kosher Phone' is cheaper if you call another 'Kosher Phone' (I guess many Hasidic Jews don't have too many Baptist friends) except for the Sabbath when you get $2.44 US per min! Thats hardcore