Monday 9 February 2009

How far is too far

Surely a theme is always nice for an event?
A cool non compulsary theme, that people can immerse themselves in as much or as little as they like.

For instance, my birthday coming up is at a Chinese Karaoke restaurant. I started to think about what I was going to wear, and thought... 'Wouldn't it be cute to maybe dress with an Asian feel'
This has since mophed into me looking at buying a China Doll wig & and Obi Belt (because the Japanese do karaoke too ok?!)
But how far is too far? I ask you?!?

5 memos sent:

Dataceptionist said...

hmmm..... eca does have an extremely cute mandarin collar dress in pink and black?

as for the dilemma at hand, I think it could be kind of weird for the staff if you overdo it?

That said, I love dressing up

K said...

I'm a bit mixed on themes.
EG - I think wedding themes are stupid.
But arty themes cn be fun- if everyone gets into it. nothing worse than a good costume party when all your friends are party-poopers.

.:.:. Reanan .:.:. said...

Always good to know!

I wasn't thinking OVER doing... perhaps a happy medium? (If it can be found)

LOL well I did buy a rep lippy for the occasion!

So no Rocky Horror wedding for you either? Now who's the party pooper? lol
Themes can be nice, just not gone bonkers.

K said...

Rocky Horror wedding would be awesome!
What I meant, "Pink Vintage" or "Rustic Glamour" as a wedding theme is stupid. Apparently its oractically a wedding rule - you can't get married without a theme.
Why can't you just pick stuff you like?

.:.:. Reanan .:.:. said...

Cannot take cred for that one, Dataceptionist pitched the RH wedding to her future hubby but he wasn't all that interested!

HAHA new theme 'stuff I like'?

What crap eh? People are so full of themselves! HAHA