Why not? About my favourite subject in the world is handbags. Mine or anyone elses.
So what ARE the five things in my handbag that say something about me?
Five things in your handbag that speak about your life, (or are just quirky and interesting).
1. Makeup - two lipglosses (that's because I only swapped bags last night)
2. Book
3. iPod
4. Umbrella (ella, ella, eh eh)/Gloves/Scarf
5. Confectionery
& WHY?
1. Well I always carry lipgloss with me, I have been carrying paw paw lately because I've been getting wind burn from the FREEZING GALE that whips down Church Street.
2. My book, currently Harry Potter The Prisoner of Azkaban, I always carry my book with me, because I spend time on public transport and it's an excellent space filler and a good wa to avoid the freaks who frequent public transport.
3. IPOD; is a must. And my phone acts as a backup when my ipod is being obstanant and doesn't want to work. I must have music. It also helps avoid the freaks on public transport and people trying to sell you credit cards or children in Africa.
4. As a public transporter, I must prepare for all contingencies. Rain, hail or shine I am covered by my seven dollar fake burburry patterned umbrella.
5. Confectionery, at this stage I have literally 24 sleeves of Spearmint gum at work, and working in a place that gets free JUNK its inescapable.
So there you go... everything you wanted to know about my handbag!
7 memos sent:
Thanks for playing ;)
(are you still going on HP?)
I've tagged you too but you beat me to it!
Come over and check it out :)
I'm sitting here thinking... HP, what is HP.
Yes HP and I are in a close personal relationship.
Hewlett Packard of course.
Did you figure out it was Harry Potter?
HAHA yes I figured out it was Harry.
Harry is my main man at the moment.
Eeek you need to get out more. ;)
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