Friday 25 July 2008

Soup Update!


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday lagged along painfully without a hint of cheating (on wednesday I had four cashews BUT come on!)
Until Thurday night, when I went out for dinner & had grilled chicken salad at Sumo Salad - passable I thought.
I COULDN'T face soup for lunch today, so I decided to spread my chicken consumption over two meals, and had another chicken salad for lunch.
Although apprently I am not allowed salad today, but mixed salad leaves, tomato, carrot and cucumber isn't going to send me over the edge I don't think.

I think this diet works through crushing your will to live. I have lost nearly 2.5 kilos. Which is good, I guess but I was really hoping for some more bang for my buck.
The thought of starting hardcore again is OUT of the question but I really want to try and shift some more.

2 memos sent:

K said...

You know, I think oif you could stomach soup for 2 weeks you'd be just as successful having it for dinner only and a healthy lunch of your choice. It'd be a lot more tolerable too.

.:.:. Reanan .:.:. said...


I took some soup today but couldn't face it! Another day maybe.