I think that all woman do it to some extent.
It's like something written in our DNA, something that ever so naggingly says; "Yes, you do need to buy that xxx for xxx that is not confirmed yet, BECAUSE IT'S ON SALE"
Look at this dress. It's beautiful. The photo does not do it justice, just a pity the online catalogue is so limited.
The straps and top of the bodice are a cobalt blue colour, gradienting into a lovely soft pink colour, and ending in a firey orange colour. The bodice (admittadly needs me to be a little less fat than I am currently) compliments my, er shape, and is impressive without being over the top.
Nearby my work is a George clothing warehouse. This gorgeous, silk hand dipped dress was $474 down to $150.
How could I ever pass it for that wedding that I don't even know if I am invited to much less have the invitation to.
Don't even get me started on the silver shoes I've decided to buy to accompany it.
But of course there is always a wedding I have next year (that's reaching a bit far) or the annual general meeting dinner (potentially reaching since I am still on probation & who knows what can happen!)
6 memos sent:
Well, I think you've totally justified buying it, you've listed three occasions you could where it to plus it was on SALE so you've saved so much money!!!
Now - where's a pic of the shoes?!?
P.S. obviously i do it too...
Gorgous, wear it to my place when you're over next LOL
*sigh* I know what you mean. George do make beautiful clothes
Thanks Guys!
HAHA no shoes YET Emma... give me time! lol
Data, I know... how pretty is it. DROOL.
Totally justified for a gorgeous dress. It worse comes to worse, invite some girlfriends out for cocktails and get all dressed up.
Sweet idea K!
(I will come)
(if you invite me)
(Please invite me)
Hey dude
I've tagged you in a thing I made up about the stuff in your handbag. (hey its Friday afternoon, and I'm bored)
Come over and check it out :)
You better do it biartch
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