Channel Ten finally quashed thier lagging juggernaut, Big Brother this week for good.
I don't like 'reality' television, and I deeply doubt that George Orwell had this in mind when he penned Nineteen Eighty Four. It is beyond me why on earth I would want to sit around, watching people sit around.
Yes I realise that they do 'challenges' but that's not real either, is it?
I watched the first series, sparadically and with disinterest as Sara Maree bum-danced her way into our hearts. That was more than enough for me, but found the occasional 'Up Late' interesting because it seems more true voyerisum – what else were a bunch of young people going to do couped up in a house together but get busy?
After the 'Turkey Slapping' incident, BB was cut short hilariously quickly, and I thought that would put the final nail in the coffin... until Kyle and Jackie-O ousted Gretel Killeen and administered the kiss of death.
What astounds me is the number of incarnations and countries that ventured into Big Brother, Africa, Albania, Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Rebublic, Denmark, Equador, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Cyprus, Hungary, Italy, India, Israel, Mexico, Middle East (discontinued haha), Netherland, Nigeria, Norway, Pacific Region, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Scandanavian Penninsula, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States (who ran 10 series!) and the Western Balkans.
I thought the world had better taste than this.

4 memos sent:
Well you thought wrong!
I too am thrilled at Big Brother's ultimate demise. Let the other commercial stations have better sense than to pick up this dead horse for a further flogging.
OH what a horrid thought, if another station starts thier own Big Brother I will not watch TV again.
Ahh yes, good riddance to bad rubbish
I can't see why another station thinks they could do any better with it. I'm just glad its stopped being on EVERYTHING.
I was reading debate on its merits before it started and some idiotic commenter said "well if you don't like it don't watch it!" Which could be fair enough if they didn't bombard everyone with so much bloody cross promotion. Its shits me to tears having to hear mike bloody goldman doing the "to evict blah blah blah" every ad break for Friends and Neighbours.
They don't do that with (insert any other voting show), I can't see why we should endure it for BB.
Exactly. It's not as simple as not watching the program!
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