I guess she’d want to be or the share holders will lynch her. What a frightening thought that companies that that much to lose!Like the German billionaire, Adolf Merckle, who committed suicide after his empire ‘ran into trouble’ with this recent financial crisis. It was been reported he ran up losses of about 400m euros - $535m!! After a loss on Volkswagon shares.
Even haute couture is suffering, with people becoming self proclaimed ‘rescissionistas’ and glossy mags publishing ‘Recessionista Fabulous’ articles!!
It seems everyone is getting wise to the ‘belt tightening’ except our fat friend, Ronald. McDonalds that is reporting an 80 per cent profit rise!
How would you like the $US 4.3 billion dollars that they made in 2008?
I must confess, working in the confectioney industry, we haven't felt any slow down. If nothing else we are going very well, as is evident, people get depressed and eat junk food!
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