The kind with far less ACTUAL power.
I had an 'incident' with a Sydney CityRail transit officer recently. I am always in possesion of a valid ticket, I buy tickets, like all the time - get it?
Why does Murphy's twisted and sick law dictate that the very day I change my jacket for casual Friday, happens to be the very day I leave it in my normal trench coat pocket and a proliferation transit officers decend upon Parramatta station.
So, panic-stricken I cast a look around and bunny hop in behind someone else, making a beeline to donate to the Salvation Army (an elaborate distraction and something I true to do when I see him.)
'Excuse me Miss, may I see your ticket?'
... Rats, the gig is up. I can't think of any plausible lie, grit my teeth and tell the truth.
I walk away with a $200 fine BUT FINGERS CROSSED that when reviewed I get off!
To make matters worse, I forgot the Salvo man too!
To make matters worse, I forgot the Salvo man too!